Be Gentle

For a few days be gentle with yourself and the results from the reading and healing. It can take time for the reading to settle in. You may experience a big difference in how you feel. You could feel more energized, or more tired. 

Allow yourself to rest if needed.

Mostly, be gentle. Be gentle with yourself and your process and allow yourself a new curiosity to notice what you notice about yourself and your environment. You may see signs of confirmation in the world around you, or experience nudgings about movements to take.

Some decisions may seem easier, or like you suddenly know what to do, or where to go. It may affirm what you already knew, or open up a new possibility you hadn't considered before.

It's also possible that it might seem like nothing has really changed much.


You may wish to take a bath and allow yourself to soak in some Epsom salts. That can help to more energy.

Spend some time outside if that is possible. Lean against a tree. Trees enjoy helping us to move energy.

Try to drink some extra water for a few days that can also allow your body to process.


In most cases, it is recommended to not make major decisions for a few days.

You may however feel inspired to make changes. If you do decide to do something to improve yourself, your habits, or to move forward on a less life altering decision, set it in motion. Make a plan, set your environment to support that plan and take small steps towards that movment.


Listen more than once if you feel called. You can journal about your experiences, or if you like to verbally processes, perhaps record your feelings or thoughts in a voice memo or share them with a trusted friend.

Return to the grounding meditation. If there was one energetic skill to work towards mastery, it would be the process of grounding.


If you have insights or feedback about your reading, please do share. Also, remember for a short time if you need clarification or have questions about the reading, you can ask.